marți, 2 august 2011

Nail Shape : Squoval

 Forma Squoval / Unghii cu forma patrat-ovala

Dupa cum ii spune si numele, aceasta forma reprezinta un mix intre forma patrata si forma ovala.
Caracteristica acestei forme este ca marginile laterale ale unghiiei sunt drepte si perfect paralele (1) , in timp ce varful liber este oval (2).

Avantajul acestei forme este ca mentine marginile laterale drepte ale formei patrate, si varful tinde spre oval. Colturile sunt rotunjite astfel ca forma devine foarte comoda, chiar si la o lungime medie-lunga. Nu se agata usor si nu tind sa devina casante.
O forma avansata a acestei forme o reprezinta forma Pipe.

 Nota: Acest text reprezinta opinia mea personala vis-a-vis de formele unghiilor false.
Imi rezerv dreptul de autor pentru fotografii si text! Acestea nu pot fi copiate/ repostate fara acordul meu!


 Squoval Shape /  Squoval Shaped-nails

As the name suggests, this form is a mix between the two basic shapes : square and oval.
Feature of this form is that the two sides are straight and perfectly parallel (1), while the tip is oval shaped (2).

The advantage of this shape is that it keeps the sides straight - characteristic of the square shape , and the tip has the tendency to an oval shape. 

Corners are rounded so that it becomes a very convenient form, even at medium-long length. 
They do not pick up the fabrics as easy as the basic shapes and do not tend to become brittle.

An advanced form of this form is Pipe shape.
Note: This text is my personal opinion about the nail shapes. I reserve the copyright of the photos and text! 
They may not be copied / re-posted without my permission!

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