joi, 4 august 2011

Nail Shape : Edge

 Forma Edge / Unghii cu forma Edge
Voi incepe prin a va povesti experienta mea cu aceasta forma... deoarece am fost surprinsa!
Personal am fost foarte reticenta cand a venit vorba despre aceasta forma de unghii. 
Am incercat mai demult sa construiesc o unghie, dar  pentru ca aveam deja idei preconcepute despre forma, nu am reusit sa o pastrez. 
De curand am spus sa ii mai acord inca o sansa acestei forme si am fost surprinsa sa vad cat de comoda este.
Aveam impresia ca maginile paralele si foarte lungi, impreuna cu "V"-ul ma va incurca in tot ceea ce voi face - si SURPRIZA - m-am descurcat impecabil cu ele. 
Impresi mea : un mare LIKE pentru forma Edge - pot spune este printre preferatele mele - dupa Stiletto, bineinteles.

Cu siguranta forma EDGE este  forma neconventionala, ce nu se potriveste oricui. Iti trebuie un stil si o personalitate deosebita si bineinteles, mediul in care activezi - servici, scoala, etc. - sa iti permita sa porti o astfel de manichiura.
 Creatoarea formei "Edge" este Valentyna Denysenko. 
Forma este binee definita, patul unghial este prelungit in forma de "V", marginile libere sunt perfect paralele, varful se termina deasemenea in "V". Majoritatea sustin ca unghia se aseamana unui acoperis, datorita profilului unghiei in care muchiile laterale formeaza un "V" perfect .
Din punctul meu de vedere, acestei forme i se potrivesc design-urile geometrice ce urmeaza liniile robuste ale unghiei Edge.

 Nota: Acest text reprezinta opinia mea personala vis-a-vis de formele unghiilor false.
Imi rezerv dreptul de autor pentru fotografii si text! Acestea nu pot fi copiate/ repostate fara acordul meu!

Nail Shape: Edge / Edge shaped-nails

I will start by telling you my experience with this shape ... because I was really surprised!
Personally I was very reluctant when it came about this nail.
I tried to build one nail, but, because I had preconceived ideas about this shape, I did not manage to keep it.
Recently I granted another chance to this form and I was surprised to see how comfortable it is.
I was under the impression that the very long parallel edges, with "V" shaped tip will bother me in everything I will do - and surprise - I wore them perfectly.
My impression: great LIKE for the Edge-shaped nails - I can say is one of my favorites - after Stiletto-shaped nails, of course.

Surely, the edge shape it is an unconventional shape, which does not fit everyone. You need a special style and personality and of course, the environment in which you operate - work, school, etc.. - should allow you to wear such a manicure.
The creator of the shape "Edge" is Valentyna Denysenko.
The shape is well defined, nail bed is extended in the shape of "V", the edges are perfectly parallel, and the tip also ends in "V".  
Most people are saying that it resembles to a "roof" nail, because of the nail profile the free edges form a perfect "V" .
From my point of view, these forms fits better geometric designs that follows the edge of this robust nail-shape.
Note: This text is my personal opinion about the nail shapes. I reserve the copyright of the photos and text! 
They may not be copied / re-posted without my permission!

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