sâmbătă, 6 august 2011

Nail Shape: Pipe

 Forma Pipe  / Unghii cu forma Pipe
Numele de "pipe" (in traducere ro : tub / ţeavă) i se potriveste perfect acestei forme.  
Este o forma noua, moderna, ce ia amploare din ce in ce mai mult.
Marginile sunt perfect paralele, varful este apropiat ca forma de varful unghiei SQUOVAL. Curbura unghiei privita din profilul varfului este foarte foarte adanca, asemenea unei jumatati de cerc.
Este o unghie ce necesita experienta si iscusinta din partea tehnicianului.
Experienta mea cu aceasta forma a fost una placuta. O poti adapta aproximativ usor, doar ca pe mine personal, m-au cam " incurcat" marginile laterale ce sunt destul de pronuntate. Cu siguranta, o unghie Pipe XXL este mai comoda decat o unghie Square XL doar datorita lipsei colturilor.

 Nota: Acest text reprezinta opinia mea personala vis-a-vis de formele unghiilor false.
Imi rezerv dreptul de autor pentru fotografii si text! Acestea nu pot fi copiate/ repostate fara acordul meu!

Nail Shape: Pipe / Pipe-shaped nails

The name "pipe" is perfectly suited to this form. It is a new, modern, look which comes more popular every day.
The edges are perfectly parallel, the peak is close to the nail tip as in the shape SQUOVAL nail
shape. Nail tip curvature seen in profile is very deep, like a half circle.
It is a shape of nail that requires experience and skill of the technician.
My experience with this form has been a pleasant one. You can adapt it easy, personally, I have been a little "confused" by the sides that are quite pronounced. Certainly, a
Pipe XXL nail is more comfortable than a Square XL shape-nail  just because of the lack of corners.

Note: This text is my personal opinion about the nail shapes. I reserve the copyright of the photos and text! They may not be copied / re-posted without my permission!

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