joi, 25 august 2011

Tips design

Pictura cu vopsele acrilice. Lvl.2.
Hand painting with acrylic colors. Lvl.2.

duminică, 21 august 2011

Tips design

Pictura cu vopsele acrilice. Lvl.2.
Hand painting with acrylic colors. Lvl.2.

vineri, 19 august 2011

Tips design

Pictura cu vopsele acrilice. Lvl.2.Hand painting with acrylic colors. Lvl.2.

miercuri, 17 august 2011

Tips design

Pictura cu vopsele acrilice. Lvl.2.
Hand painting with acrylic colors. Lvl.2.

duminică, 14 august 2011

French and golden bijoux

Extensii cu gel si french permanent alb cu prelungirea patului unghial. Nail design: folie de aur si pictura cu vopsea acrilica alba.

Nail enhancement with  permanent french and nail bed extension. Nail design: golden foil and hand painting with acrylic colors.

sâmbătă, 13 august 2011

Watercolor Poppies

Extensii cu gel, french permanent alb cu prelungirea patului unghial si maci pictati in tehnica acuarelei.

Nail enhancement, permanent french with nail bed extension and watercolor poppies.

Unghii false cu pictura manuala cu acuarela.

Acuarela / Watercolor / Aquarelle

duminică, 7 august 2011

Nail Shape : Obele

Forma  Obele/ Unghii cu forma Obele

Forma " Obele" apartine creatoarei Virginie Dolle.
Deoarece am planuit aceasta serie de postari despre formele unghiilor false de ceva vreme, am avut destul timp sa iau legatura cu Virginie, ce a fost foarte foarte draguta sa imi explice caracteristicile formei sale si sa ne impartaseasca noua, tuturor pasionatelor de unghii tehnice cateva cuvinte despre ea.
Voi impartasi cu voi acestea sub forma unui interviu!

Nume si prenume : Virginie Dolle
Varsta: 30 ani
Origine: Franceza si Italiana

Cand ai debutat in lumea unghiilor tehnice?
Sunt stilist de unghii incepand cu anul 2007, din pasiune pentru frumusestea unghiilor false si a Nail-Artului.

Gel sau acryl?
Lucrez cu gel.

Stiu ca esti detinatoarea unui centru de formare ( stilism de unghii ) in Franta. Ne poti da cateva detalii?
In 2009 am deschis propriul centru de formare ce se numeste IFLOREANE in zona di  sudul Frantei PUGET ON ARGENS.
Aici imi educ elevii in arta unghiilor tehnice realizate cu gel UV si ii initiez in Nail-Art.
Puteti vedea detalii accesand site-ul: 

Cand a aparut oficial forma "Obele" ?
Sunt creatoarea si detinatoarea formei Obele din decembrie 2010 ( patented no106295).

Care sunt principalele caracteristici ale formei "Obele"?
Unghiile cu forma Obele sunt realizate din gel UV modelat in 4 fete astfel incat rezulta o prisma dreapta pe o baza triunghiulara a unui Stiletto.
Ca si aspect - in profil unghia este triunghiulara, iar vazuta de sus, prezinta 4 fete diferite.
Aceasta forma este foarte puternica, mai stabila decat un Stiletto. Poate parea agresiva, dar multe persoane o iubesc tocmai pentru faptul ca este ceva deosebit, iesit din comun!

De unde provine denumirea de "Obele"?
Forma a fost denumita "Obele" datorita asemanarii sale cu un pumnal si cu un obelisc triunghiular ( a constat din trei parti: o baza care garanteaza stabilitatea constructiei, un trunchi patrulater ce se subtiaza spre summit si o pauza de panta in reuniunea la nivel inalt pentru a obtine forma unei piramide).
Iubesc sa scriu si mi-a placut ideea de a da un nume formei mele ce face trimitere la literatura. Semul tipografic pentru Obele este in forma de cruce (+), asemenea unui pumnal folosit pentru punctuatie.

Iata si o manichiura realizata de Virginie Dolle pentru a intelege mai bine aceasta forma!
Unghii Obele cu pictura

Personal, nu am incercat niciodata aceasta forma, dar pe viitor cu siguranta o voi face! Mi se pare o forma noncomformista, moderna, ce isi va scoate cu siguranta purtatarea din anonimat!
Sper ca v-a placut prezentarea acestei forme, putin mai diferita fata de celelalte si m-am gandit ca nimeni nu o poate realiza mai bine decat insasi creatoarea ei!Multumesc, Virginie Dolle pentru interviu!

Acest articol a fost scris cu acordul lui Virginie Dolle. creatoarea si detinatoarea formei OBELE si a fotografiei de mai sus. Imi rezerv dreptul de autor asupra acestui articol. Acesta nu poate fi copiat/ repostat fara acordul meu!


Nail Shape: Obele / Obele Shaped- Nails

The Obele shape belongs to its creator, Virginie Dolle.
Since I planned those series of posts about nail forms, I had enough time to contact Virginie. which was very very nice to me, to explain the characteristics of this shape and shared with us all (passionate of nails) a few words about her... I will share with you this as an interview!

Name: Virginie Dolle
Age: 30 years
Origin: French and Italian

When you started in the world of technical nails?
I am a nail stylist since 2007. I am fascinated by the beauty of nails and I`m passionate by Nail-Art.

Gel or acrylic?
I work with gel UV.

I know you are the owner of a training center (nail-stylist ) in France. Can you give me some details?
In 2009 I opened my own training center called IFLOREANE to PUNGENS ON ARGENS (the South of France ) and I teach my students the technique GEL UV and the initiation into the Nail-Art.
You can see more details by accessing the website:

When appeared - officially - the shape Obele?
I am the creator and the owner of the shape Obele since December 2010 ( patented no.106295) .

Which are the main features of the shape Obele?
The shaped-nails Obele are made with GEL UV. : 4 worked faces by leaving of a straight prism on a triangular base on a Stiletto.
Aspect: nail is triangular in profile and seen from above, presents four different faces.
This shape is very strong, more stable than a Stiletto. It may seem aggressive, but many people love it just for that something special out of the ordinary, it`s an unusual!

Why the name "Obele"?
This shape was called Obele, because of its similarity whit a dagger and a triangular obelisk ( consisted of three parts: a base construction ensures stability, a trunk that thins to the quadrilateral summit and a break in slope at the high meeting to get the shape of a pyramid).
I love to write and I liked the idea to give my shape a name that refers to literature. The typographic sign Obele in the shape of cross (+) has for equivalent the more recent shape of the dagger. It`s used to punctuated text.

Here`s a manicure done by Virginie Dolle to understand better this shape! Obele shaped-nails.

Personally, I never tried this form, but in the future surely I will! It seems to me a nonconformist and modern shape, which will definitely get you out of the crowd! I hope you enjoyed the presentation of this nail shape and I thought that no one can do it better than its creator herself! Thank you for the interview Virginie Dolle!

This article was written with the approval of Virginie Dolle, creator and owner of the OBELE shape and photo. I reserve the copyright of this article. This may not be copied/ re-posted without my permission!

sâmbătă, 6 august 2011

Nail Shape: Pipe

 Forma Pipe  / Unghii cu forma Pipe
Numele de "pipe" (in traducere ro : tub / ţeavă) i se potriveste perfect acestei forme.  
Este o forma noua, moderna, ce ia amploare din ce in ce mai mult.
Marginile sunt perfect paralele, varful este apropiat ca forma de varful unghiei SQUOVAL. Curbura unghiei privita din profilul varfului este foarte foarte adanca, asemenea unei jumatati de cerc.
Este o unghie ce necesita experienta si iscusinta din partea tehnicianului.
Experienta mea cu aceasta forma a fost una placuta. O poti adapta aproximativ usor, doar ca pe mine personal, m-au cam " incurcat" marginile laterale ce sunt destul de pronuntate. Cu siguranta, o unghie Pipe XXL este mai comoda decat o unghie Square XL doar datorita lipsei colturilor.

 Nota: Acest text reprezinta opinia mea personala vis-a-vis de formele unghiilor false.
Imi rezerv dreptul de autor pentru fotografii si text! Acestea nu pot fi copiate/ repostate fara acordul meu!

Nail Shape: Pipe / Pipe-shaped nails

The name "pipe" is perfectly suited to this form. It is a new, modern, look which comes more popular every day.
The edges are perfectly parallel, the peak is close to the nail tip as in the shape SQUOVAL nail
shape. Nail tip curvature seen in profile is very deep, like a half circle.
It is a shape of nail that requires experience and skill of the technician.
My experience with this form has been a pleasant one. You can adapt it easy, personally, I have been a little "confused" by the sides that are quite pronounced. Certainly, a
Pipe XXL nail is more comfortable than a Square XL shape-nail  just because of the lack of corners.

Note: This text is my personal opinion about the nail shapes. I reserve the copyright of the photos and text! They may not be copied / re-posted without my permission!

vineri, 5 august 2011

Nail Shape: Stiletto

 Forma Stiletto  / Unghii cu forma ascutita

Deoarece am mai realizat un post despre unghiile Stiletto, acesta va fi mai "concis".Sper ca experienta mea personala cu aceasta forma de unghii va va interesa...
Pe mine aceasta forma de unghii m-a fermecat, m-a atras in mrejele ei "negre" si nu mai pot sa "scap". Cu siguranta Stiletto este forma mea preferata de unghii.
Pentru mine, forma Stiletto este extraordinar de utila, deoarece am un defect la degete si anume : sunt foarte de strambe, doua inspre stanga, doua inspre dreapta. In unele fotgrafii se observa foarte bine :)) si pot spune ca ma simt putin complexata de acest defect - stiu ca nu este grav, nu sunt un mare ciudat cu 6 degete, dar mi se pare inestetic. 
Unghiile stiletto sunt singurele ce imi ascund acest defect - nicio alta forma nu ma ajuta cum o face stiletto. Lungimea si varful ascutit "repara" miraculos inclinatia degetelelor mele. Bineinteles, iubesc si oportunitatea e care mi-o ofera lungimea deoarece pot sa ma joc mereu cu Nail Art-ul.

 Ca si caracteristici, varful este puternic ascutit, cu marginile rotunjite. In cazul realizarii unui french, baza trebuie obligatoriu marita optic cu un produs cover, iar french-ul este de preferat sa aiba un smile foarte adanc.
Forma stiletto face ca mana femeii sa arate mult mai delicata, datorita lungimii si design-ului ce poate fi alcatuit dint-un simplu si mereu elegant French, pana la design multicolor, cu pictura sau  flori tridimensionale accesorizate cu bijuterii.
Un bun technician va poate ajuta sa alegeti marimea si forma ideala mainii dumneavoastra. Unghiile Stiletto fac minuni unei maini cu degete scurte. Aceste unghii sunt perfecte femeilor ce isi doresc un look unic, modern ce le va scoate cu desavarsire din anonimat.
Se spune ca femeile evita aceasta forma, deoarece se tem de lipsa comoditatii, dar adevarul este ca unghiile Stiletto sunt la fel de comode ca si celelalte forme de unghii ( patrate, ovale, bridge, edge, s.a.m.d.), unele persoane considerandu-le ca fiind cele mai confortabile.

 Nota: Acest text reprezinta opinia mea personala vis-a-vis de formele unghiilor false.
Imi rezerv dreptul de autor pentru fotografii si text! Acestea nu pot fi copiate/ repostate fara acordul meu!


Stiletto Shape / Pointy Nail Shape

Because I already made ​​a post about Stiletto nails, this one it will be "brief." 
I hope my personal experience with this nail shape will be interested ...
  Stiletto shape drew me into her
"black" spell and I can not "escape" from it. Stiletto is definitely my favorite shape of nails.
For me, the Stiletto is extraordinarily useful shape, because I have a defect with my fingers: they are very crooked, two to the left, two to the right. In some photos you can see that very well :)) and I can say that I feel a little complex because of that - I know that is not serious, I am not a freak with 6 fingers , but I find it unaesthetic.
Stiletto nails are the only ones how can hide this flaw - no other shape does not help me as Stiletto does. The length and the tip "fix" miraculously  my fingers. Of course,I love the opportunity the lenght gives me, because I can always play with the Nail Art on Stiletto nails.

As features, the nail tip is strongly pointed, with rounded edges. In case of a French, the nail bed must be optical prolonged necessarily with a cover a product and French, is desirable to have a very deep smile.
Stiletto nail shape makes the women`s hand look more delicate, because of the length and design which can be a simple and always elegant French, to a colorful design, hand-painting accessorized with jewelry or three-dimensional flowers.

A good
technician can help you choose the ideal size and shape of your Stiletto nails .Those are making  wonders for hands with short fingers.
These nails are perfect women who would love to adopt a unique, modern look that will put them in the spot light.
It is said that women avoid this form because they fear the lack of convenience, but the truth is that Stiletto nails are as comfortable as other forms of nails (square, oval, bridge, edge, etc.), some people considering them as the most comfortable.

Note: This text is my personal opinion about the nail shapes. I reserve the copyright of the photos and text! They may not be copied / re-posted without my permission!

joi, 4 august 2011

Nail Shape : Edge

 Forma Edge / Unghii cu forma Edge
Voi incepe prin a va povesti experienta mea cu aceasta forma... deoarece am fost surprinsa!
Personal am fost foarte reticenta cand a venit vorba despre aceasta forma de unghii. 
Am incercat mai demult sa construiesc o unghie, dar  pentru ca aveam deja idei preconcepute despre forma, nu am reusit sa o pastrez. 
De curand am spus sa ii mai acord inca o sansa acestei forme si am fost surprinsa sa vad cat de comoda este.
Aveam impresia ca maginile paralele si foarte lungi, impreuna cu "V"-ul ma va incurca in tot ceea ce voi face - si SURPRIZA - m-am descurcat impecabil cu ele. 
Impresi mea : un mare LIKE pentru forma Edge - pot spune este printre preferatele mele - dupa Stiletto, bineinteles.

Cu siguranta forma EDGE este  forma neconventionala, ce nu se potriveste oricui. Iti trebuie un stil si o personalitate deosebita si bineinteles, mediul in care activezi - servici, scoala, etc. - sa iti permita sa porti o astfel de manichiura.
 Creatoarea formei "Edge" este Valentyna Denysenko. 
Forma este binee definita, patul unghial este prelungit in forma de "V", marginile libere sunt perfect paralele, varful se termina deasemenea in "V". Majoritatea sustin ca unghia se aseamana unui acoperis, datorita profilului unghiei in care muchiile laterale formeaza un "V" perfect .
Din punctul meu de vedere, acestei forme i se potrivesc design-urile geometrice ce urmeaza liniile robuste ale unghiei Edge.

 Nota: Acest text reprezinta opinia mea personala vis-a-vis de formele unghiilor false.
Imi rezerv dreptul de autor pentru fotografii si text! Acestea nu pot fi copiate/ repostate fara acordul meu!

Nail Shape: Edge / Edge shaped-nails

I will start by telling you my experience with this shape ... because I was really surprised!
Personally I was very reluctant when it came about this nail.
I tried to build one nail, but, because I had preconceived ideas about this shape, I did not manage to keep it.
Recently I granted another chance to this form and I was surprised to see how comfortable it is.
I was under the impression that the very long parallel edges, with "V" shaped tip will bother me in everything I will do - and surprise - I wore them perfectly.
My impression: great LIKE for the Edge-shaped nails - I can say is one of my favorites - after Stiletto-shaped nails, of course.

Surely, the edge shape it is an unconventional shape, which does not fit everyone. You need a special style and personality and of course, the environment in which you operate - work, school, etc.. - should allow you to wear such a manicure.
The creator of the shape "Edge" is Valentyna Denysenko.
The shape is well defined, nail bed is extended in the shape of "V", the edges are perfectly parallel, and the tip also ends in "V".  
Most people are saying that it resembles to a "roof" nail, because of the nail profile the free edges form a perfect "V" .
From my point of view, these forms fits better geometric designs that follows the edge of this robust nail-shape.
Note: This text is my personal opinion about the nail shapes. I reserve the copyright of the photos and text! 
They may not be copied / re-posted without my permission!

miercuri, 3 august 2011

Nail Shape : Almond

 Forma Almond / Unghii cu forma de migdala

Forma de unghii almond este o forma gratioasa, ce se poarte purta la orice lungime (S  ->  XXL). 

Cu cat unghia va fi mai lunga, cu atat va arata mai bine, mai frumoasa, iar tehnicianul va avea mult mai mult spatiu pentru a-si manifesta abilitatile in Nail Art.

Este o forma extraodrdinar de comoda chiar si la o lungime mare, iar datorita lipsei colturilor (precum la unghiile patrate) sau a varfului accentuat (vezi Stiletto) sunt usor de purtat, pentru ca nu se agata.

Almond shape / Almond-shaped nails

Almond shaped nails is a graceful form, which cam be worn at any length wear (S -> XXL). 

As longer as it will be, as beautiful she can look, and the nail technician will have more space to develop his skills in Nail Art.
This shape is even great even at a big length, and because of the lack of corners (as square-shaped nails) or the "peak" increased (see Stiletto) it`s very easy to wear
because they do not pick up the fabrics.

Note: This text is my personal opinion about the nail shapes. I reserve the copyright of the photos and text! 
They may not be copied / re-posted without my permission!

marți, 2 august 2011

Nail Shape : Squoval

 Forma Squoval / Unghii cu forma patrat-ovala

Dupa cum ii spune si numele, aceasta forma reprezinta un mix intre forma patrata si forma ovala.
Caracteristica acestei forme este ca marginile laterale ale unghiiei sunt drepte si perfect paralele (1) , in timp ce varful liber este oval (2).

Avantajul acestei forme este ca mentine marginile laterale drepte ale formei patrate, si varful tinde spre oval. Colturile sunt rotunjite astfel ca forma devine foarte comoda, chiar si la o lungime medie-lunga. Nu se agata usor si nu tind sa devina casante.
O forma avansata a acestei forme o reprezinta forma Pipe.

 Nota: Acest text reprezinta opinia mea personala vis-a-vis de formele unghiilor false.
Imi rezerv dreptul de autor pentru fotografii si text! Acestea nu pot fi copiate/ repostate fara acordul meu!


 Squoval Shape /  Squoval Shaped-nails

As the name suggests, this form is a mix between the two basic shapes : square and oval.
Feature of this form is that the two sides are straight and perfectly parallel (1), while the tip is oval shaped (2).

The advantage of this shape is that it keeps the sides straight - characteristic of the square shape , and the tip has the tendency to an oval shape. 

Corners are rounded so that it becomes a very convenient form, even at medium-long length. 
They do not pick up the fabrics as easy as the basic shapes and do not tend to become brittle.

An advanced form of this form is Pipe shape.
Note: This text is my personal opinion about the nail shapes. I reserve the copyright of the photos and text! 
They may not be copied / re-posted without my permission!

luni, 1 august 2011

Nail Shape : Oval

 Forma OVAL / Unghii cu forma ovala
Forma ovala este una destul de populara, fiind o forma comoda ce tinde a nu se agata atat de usor ca unghiile cu o forma patrata.
Unghiile cu forma ovala sunt comune intre persoanele cu un pat unghial lung, perfect.
Cel mai adesea acest tip de unghie are un aspect natural si se poarta la o lungime scurta-medie. 
Personal, o consider o forma curata, feminina si usor de adaptat pentru femeia moderna si activa.
Unghiile cu forma ovala sunt foarte curbate in partea libera a unghiei si se pot purta cu lac, french sau Nail Art, ca toate unghiile naturale sau tehnice.
In cazul unghiilor false construite sub o forma ovala, acestea se recomanda persoanelor cu pat unghial scurt, adaptandu-se degetelor de lungime medie sau lungi.

 Nota: Acest text reprezinta opinia mea personala vis-a-vis de formele unghiilor false.
Imi rezerv dreptul de autor pentru fotografii si text! Acestea nu pot fi copiate/ repostate fara acordul meu!


Oval Shape / Oval shaped-nails

Oval shape is quite popular as a convenient form that tends not to pick up the fabrics as easily as the nails with a square shape.
Oval nails are common among people with long, perfect nail beds.
Most often this type of nail has a natural look and looks very good in a short-medium length.
Personally, I consider clean, feminine shape and easy to adapt for the modern and active woman.
Oval nails are curved in the free edge and can be worn with nail lacquer, French or Nail Art, like all natural or technical nails .
Like an example, you can do a nail enhancement with an oval shape for a customer with short nail bed, adapting the length to their fingers fingers.

Note: This text is my personal opinion about the nail shapes. I reserve the copyright of the photos and text! They may not be copied / re-posted without my permission!