luni, 27 septembrie 2010

STEP-BY-STEP: Practice - gel design on Stiletto

 In continuare voi prezenta un design abstract pe un deget (hidos) de practica. Ideea este sa intelegeti cum sa aplica in mod corect gelurile si aplicatiile fara sa se combine sau sa se crape.

Next, I will present an abstract design on ( an ugly ) a practice finger . The idea is for you to understand how you have to apply properly the gels and aplications whitout combing or cracking.

Pasul 1 : Construirea unghiei cu gel de constructie clear. Aplicam si uscam la lampa.
Step 1 : The construction of the nail with clear construction gel. Apply and cure in  UV lamp.

Pasul 2 : Aplicam un strat de gel cover natural si uscam in lampa UV.

Step 2 : Apply a layer of natural cover gel and cure in UV lamp.

Pasul 3 : Indepartam sablonul, stergem unghia cu cleanser, pilim si nivelam pentru a obtine forma ideala.

Step 3 : Remove the stencil , wipe with cleaner and start filing to level the gel and to obtain the perfect shape.

Pasul 4 : Alegem nuanta de gel pe care il aplicam intr-o forma abstracta. Aplicam un strat subtire de gel clear si asezam foita de aur pe varful unghiei (vezi nr. 2). 
Aplicam si un strat subtire de gel auriu si uscam in lampa UV.

Step 4 : Choose the color of the gel and apply it into an abstract shape. Apply a thin layer of UV gel on the tip of the nail and put the golden foil on it (see no.2).
Apply a thin layer of golen gel and cure in UV lamp.

Pasul 5 : Stergem cu cleaner filmul de dispersie si matuim usor cu bufferul. Aplicam vopseaua acrilica sub forma de linii cu pensula subtire, iar punctele le aplicam cu dots tool. 
Asteptam sa se usuce vopseaua.

Step 5 : Whipe the gel with cleaner and  file gently with a buffer. Apply the acrylic paint - lines with a thin brush and dots with dots tool. Wait for the painting to dry.

PAsul 6 : Aplicam cu lipici perle aurii intre punctele negre pictate anterior (foto 2). Aplicam si strasurile.
Dupa 30 de secunde aplicam finish gel si uscam in lampa UV.

Step 6 : Apply golden pearls with glue between the black dots we painted previously (foto 2). 
Apply rhinstones. After 30 seconds , apply a layer of finish gel and cure in UV lamp.


STEP-BY-STEP: French and abstract painting

Today I will present you a step-by step of an oldest design of mine. Hope you`ll enjoy it!

Astazi va voi prezenta un step-by-step al unui design realizat acum ceva vreme. 
Ma gandesc ca toate sunt binevenite. Sper sa va placa.

These is how my client`s nails looked  before I applied the extensions.

Asa aratau unghiile clientei inaintea aplicarii extensiilor.

Step 1 : Preparing the natural nail: Dezinfection - Cutting/Shorting - Degreasing - Filing with 180 granulation file.

Pasul 1: Pregatirea unghiei naturale : Dezinfectare - Scurtare - Degresare -
Pilire cu pila de granulatie maxima 180.

 Step 2: Apply the tips carefully - without air bubbles .Shorten the tips - Mattify the tips - 
Realize the crossing between the natural nails and tips with the 180 file - Apply primer.

 Pasul 2: Aplicarea tipsurilor cu grija pentru a nu prinde aer.Se scurteaza si se matuiesc tipsurile . Se realizeaza trecerea de la tips la unghia naturala cu pila de 180.Se aplica primer.

 Step 3: Appling the base gel. Cure in UV lamp.
Step 4 : Appling cover gel natural. Cure in UV lamp.

Pasul 3:Se aplica gelul de baza se usuca in lampa UV.
Pasul 4 : Se aplica gelul cover natural si se usuca in lampa UV.

Step 6: Apply white gel and gently create de Smile Line :) . Cure in UV lamp.

Pasul 6: Se aplica gel alb si se formeaza linia smile :) cu grija. Se usuca in lampa UV.

Step 7: Appling construction gel .Cure in UV lamp.
Pasul 7: Se aplica gelul de constructie si se usuca in lampa UV.

 Step 8:  Degresing - Mattify.
Pasul 8:  Se degreseaza si se matuiesc unghiile.

Step 8: Paint the abstract lines with acrilyc paintings - Take a moment for the paint to dry.
Pasul 8:  Realizam pictura abstracta cu vopsele acrilice - Asteptam sa se usuce vopseaua.

  Step 9 : Apply finish gel and cure in UV lamp. 
Step 10 : Apply cuticle oil and - optional - a SPA treatment ( peeling, mask, hidratation - massage) because the client`s skin is very dehydratated and exfoliated.

 Pasul 9 : Se aplica finish gel ce se usuca in lampa UV.
Pasul 10 : Se aplica ulei de cuticule si - optional - un tratament SPA ( peeling, masca, hidratare, masaj) deoarece pielea clientei este extrem de deshidratata si uscata.

And the final result : 
Si rezultatul final : 


joi, 16 septembrie 2010

STEP-BY-STEP: Crystal nails and one-stroke flowers

Deoarece nu prea o sa mai prezint multe modele de unghii , voi incerca totusi sa ma ridic cat de cat la nivelul asteptarilor voastre si voi prezenta diferite step-by-step-uri si modele realizate pe tipsuri.

Acest step by step consta in aplicarea corecta a tipsurilor cu gel; modelul: french si pictura chinezeasca.
This step-by-step it`s about correct aplication of nail extensions with tips and gel; design : french and chinese painting.

-unghiile naturale - natural nails-

Pasul 1: Pregatirea unghiei naturale : Dezinfectare - Scurtare - Degresare -
Pilire cu pila de granulatie maxima 180.

Step 1: Preparing the natural nail: Dezinfection - Cutting/Shorting - Degreasing - Filing with 180 granulation file.
Pasul 2: Aplicarea tipsurilor cu grija pentru a nu prinde aer.

Step 2: Apply the tips carefully - without air bubbles .

Pasul 3: Se scurteaza si se matuiesc tipsurile - Se realizeaza trecerea de la tips la unghia naturala cu pila de 180.- Se aplica primer.

Step 3 : Shorting the tips - Mattify the tips - Realize the crossing between the natural nails and tips with the 180 file - Apply primer.

Pasul 4 : Se aplica gelul de baza se usuca in lampa UV.
Step 4: Appling the base gel. Cure in UV lamp.

Pasul 5 : Se aplica gelul cover natural si se usuca in lampa UV.
Step 5 : Appling cover gel natural. Cure in UV lamp.

Pasul 6 :  Se degreseaza cu cleaner - Se aplica gelurile glitter sub forma unui french si uscam la lampa UV - In cazul de fata am matuit cu bufferul si am aplicat acryl clear cu glitter negru,turqoise, cu scoici albastre si miniholograme argintii.

Step 6: Degreasing with cleaner - Appling glitter gel and applications like a french and cure in a UV Lamp.
In my case, I mattified the gel with a buffer and I applied clear acryl with black and tourqoise glitter, blue shells and silver miniholograms.

Pasul 7: Se aplica gelul de constructie - Se degreseaza si se matuiesc unghiile.
Step 7: Appling construction gel - Degresing - Mattify.

Pasul 8:  Realizam pictura cu vopsele acrilice - Asteptam sa se usuce vopseaua.

Step 8: Paint the flowers with acrilyc paintings - Take a moment for the painting to dry.

Pasul 9 : Se aplica finish gel.
Step 9 : Apply finish gel.


duminică, 12 septembrie 2010

Kittenz, Love, Music, Paris

Protectie de gel pe unghia naturala, fundal: glitter gel roz, scoici roz, miniholograme fuchsia si pictura cu tema : Love in Paris.

Protection of the natural nails with gel, background: pink glitter gel, pink shells, miniholograms fuchsia and painting with theme: Love in Paris.
Gel protecteur sur les ongles naturels,pour le fond: rose éclat gel, coquille rose, petit hologrammes fuchsia et du la peinture avec la thème: L`amour a Paris.

-details/ detalii-

White-Purple One-stroke

Protectie de gel pe unghia naturala, gel cover natural si pictura chinezeasca (one-stroke).

Protection of the natural nails with gel, cover gel natural and one-stoke painting.
Gel protecteur sur les ongles naturels, couvrir naturel gel et chinese peinture (one-stroke).


luni, 6 septembrie 2010


Dragele mele, dupa cum bine stiti, eu maine plec din tara pentru o perioada mai...lunga, dar v-am promis ca va las pe mana unei fete ce lucreaza foarte bine. 
Deoarece sunt in mare graba cu bagajele si toata nebunia spun pe scurt: GEORGIANA lucreaza in zona Berceni si o puteti gasi la numerele de telefon: 0726 846 744 / 0763 883 080 .
Va recomand cu mare incredere sa mergeti la ea si sper sa va intelegeti asa bine cum ne-am inteles si noi .... va pup, o zi cat mai frumoasa si pentru cine doreste - putem tine legatura pe e-mail.

Dupa cum vedeti si ea face modele, unghii stiletto, preferata voastra...picturica.
 P.S.: Faceti-va programari din timp, mentionand ca sunteti clientele mele .
Pupici si va anunt cand ma intorc! 

miercuri, 1 septembrie 2010

Summer dream

Summer dream! Design made for a contest!

Coming soon: step-by-stept of this design.

Bride : mani-pedi 2

Casa de piatra, Andreea!

Mani: Protectie de gel pe unghia naturala, french pierdut alb cu gel glitter alb, pictura abstracta si miniholograme.Pedi: Constructie la unghiile mari cu design ca la mani, protectie de gel pe unghia naturala si french permanent.

Mani: Protection of the natural nails with gel, permanent french and glitter gel with abstract painting and mini-holograms.Pedi: Construction of the nails of thumbs with mani design, protection of the natural nails with gel and  permanent french.

Mani: Gel protecteur sur les ongles naturels, french permanent avec blanc éclat et résumé peinture avec mini-hologrammes. Pedi: Construction a les thumbs et design si a la manicure, gel protecteur sur les ongles naturals et permanent french.

 -  detalii/ details-


Pink-blue and flowers

Extensii construite cu gel, fundal din gel albastru si acryl roz aprins, cu pictura one-stroke. 

Stiletto gel extension, background: blue gel and hot pink acrylic with one-stroke painting.
Extensions Stiletto avec gel, fond: bleu gel, rose acryilc avec one-stroke peinture.

Funky Zebra design

Protectie de gel pe unghia naturala, model din gel alb si negru, cu pictura de tip zebra si un strop de glitter argintiu.

Protection of natural with gel, white and black gel and zebra hand painted design with a touch of silver glitter.

Protection de gel ongles naturels, blanc and noir gel, avec de la peinture : Zèbre, avec argent glitter .

Chic blue and 3D roses

Extensii cu gel, gel cover pink, glitter gel blue, pictura abstracta si trandafiri albastrii 3D cu mini perlute.

Nail extension with gel, blue glitter gel, abstract white painting and 3D blue roses with mini-pearls.
Extensions avec gel, gel éclat bleu, de la peinture résumé avec 3D bleu roses avec mini-perles.

L`amour a Paris

Protectie de gel pe unghia naturala, pictura de tip poveste cu tema :  Love in Paris si inimioare 3D.

Protection of natural with gel and hand-painted story with theme : Love in Paris and 3D hearts.
Protection de gel ongles naturels et de la peinture avec la theme : L`amour a Paris, avec 3D coeurs.


Protectie de gel pe unghia naturala si model pictat in intregime.

Protection of natural with gel and hand-painted design.
Protection de gel ongles naturels et de la peinture .
- detalii/ details - 

The story of pink flowers

Protectie de gel pe unghia naturala, glitter gel sweet pink si pictura de tip poveste- 2 unghii formeaza o floare.

Protection of natural with gel, glitter gel sweet pink and hand-painted story: 2 nails form a flower.
Protection de gel ongles naturels, glitter gel sweet pink et de la peinture en histoire : 2 ongle forme une fleur.

 - detalii / details -