vineri, 18 martie 2011

STEP-BY-STEP : Warm Spring

Pentru ca am facut o pauza de la postarea de noi modele, am facut acest step-by-step al unei intretineri de Stiletto. Sper sa va placa si sa va fie util.
Because I didn`t post anything new for a while, I decided to present you this step-by-step of a periodic maintenance. I hope you`ll like it and find it useful.

Incepem prin a “distruge” modelul vechi prin pilire cu freza. 
 We start by "destroying " the old design with the nail drill.

Pe inelare si unghiile degetelor mari voi aplica culoare mata (nu este nevoie sa pilesc absolut tot - atentie totusi la grosima unghiilor), in timp ce pe celelate unghii voi face un French mat in dreptul liniei smile ce se va continua semi-transparent.
On the nails of ring and thumbs I will apply a matte color (I don`t need to drill everything however be careful at the thickness of the nail), while on the other nails will do a French – mat on the smile line that will continue to be semi-transparent.

Pasul 1: Pregatiti unghia naturala : Dezinfectare – Degresare prin pilire – Inlaturati praful – Aplicati primer.
Step 1 : Prepare the natural nail : Dizinfect – File the natural nail – Clean the dust – Apply  primer.

Pasul 2 : Aplicati gelul de baza. Uscati-l in lampa UV. Degresati cu cleaner. Matuiti.
Step 2 : Apply base gel . Cure in UV lamp. Wipe with cleanser. File gently.

Pasul 3 : Prelungiti patul unghial cu cover gel. Uscati in lampa UV.
Step 3 :  Apply cover gel on the nail bed. Cure in UV lamp.

Pasul 4 : Realizam din acryl (monomer + polimer ) french-ul in degrade (verde mat spre baza, transparent spre varf), iar pe inelar un  amestec de diferite nuante (verde deschis, verde inchis, shiny green, galben ).
Step 4 : Realize from acrylic (monomer + polymer) the French-gradient (green mat to the base, transparent to the top), and a mixture of different color tones on the ring finger (light green, dark green, shiny green, yellow).

Pasul 5 : Aplicati gelul de constructie. Uscati in lampa UV. Stergeti cu cleanser.
Step 5 : Apply the construction gel. Cure in UV lamp. Wipe with cleanser.
Pasul 6 :  Piliti cu o pila de granulatie 100/100 pentru a da forma unghiilor iar la final matuiti cu un buffer.
Step 6: File (100/100 grain) to give final shape to the nails, and after file gently with a buffer.

Pasul 7 : Creati florile 3D din acryl. .
Step 7 : Create 3D flowers from acryl .

 Pasul 8 : Pictati florile cu vopsea acrilica in interiorul petalelor.
Step 8 : Paint the flowers petals with acrilic paint.

Pasul 9 : Pictam tribalele si aplicam punctulete galbene.
Step 9 : Paint the tribal and the little yellow dots.

 Pasul 11 : Dupa uscare, aplicati finish gel. Uscati in lampa UV . 
Aplicati ulei de cuticule si eventual o crema hidratanta de maini.
Step 11 : After the paint dries, apply finish gel. Cure in UV lamp. 
Apply cuticle oil and eventually – a hand cream .

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