vineri, 18 martie 2011

About Stiletto

Trendul unghiilor Stiletto provine din Rusia si Europa Estica reprezentand noua moda in materie de unghii false, fiind predestinate unui look desavarsit, feminin.
Indiferent daca sunt unghii construite pe sablon sau cu tips, cu gel sau acryl, unghiile Stiletto reprezinta adevarate bijuterii.
Forma stiletto face ca mana femeii sa arate mult mai delicata, datorita lungimii si design-ului ce poate fi alcatuit dint-un simplu si mereu elegant French, pana la design multicolor, cu pictura sau  flori tridimensionale accesorizate cu bijuterii.
Un bun technician va poate ajuta sa alegeti marimea si forma ideala mainii dumneavoastra. Unghiile Stiletto fac minuni unei maini cu degete scurte. Aceste unghii sunt perfecte femeilor ce isi doresc un look unic, modern ce le va scoate cu desavarsire din anonimat.
Se spune ca femeile evita aceasta forma, deoarece se tem de lipsa comoditatii, dar adevarul este ca unghiile Stiletto sunt la fel de comode ca si celelalte forme de unghii ( patrate, ovale, bridge, edge, s.a.m.d.), unele persoane considerandu-le ca fiind cele mai confortabile.
Pentru a obtine un look garantat si a va pastra unghiile naturale intr-o stare buna, optati intotdeauna pentru un technician profesionist pentru a va aplica si a va intretine unghiile!

  By Maria D.

Stiletto nail trend comes from Russia and Eastern Europe in terms of representing the new nail fashion, being predestined a perfect feminine look.
Whether the nails are built on a pattern or with tips, with gel or acrylic, Stiletto nails are, by all means real jewels.

Stiletto nail shape makes the women`s hand look more delicate, because of the length and design which can be a simple and always elegant French, to a colorful design, hand-painting accessorized with jewelry or three-dimensional flowers.

A good technician can help you choose the ideal size and shape of your Stiletto nails .Those are making  wonders for hands with short fingers.
These nails are perfect women who would love to adopt a unique, modern look that will put them in the spot light.
It is said that women avoid this form because they fear the lack of convenience, but the truth is that Stiletto nails are as comfortable as other forms of nails (square, oval, bridge, edge, etc.), some people considering them as the most comfortable.

To get a look guaranteed and in order to keep your natural nails in a good condition, always opt for a professional technician to apply and maintain your artificial nails!
  By Maria D.

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