Step 1 : Preparing the natural nail: Disinfection - Cutting/Shorting - Degreasing - Filing with 180 granulation file. Apply primer and let it dry.
Pasul 1: Pregatirea unghiei naturale : Dezinfectare - Scurtare - Degresare -
Pilire cu pila de granulatie maxima 180. Aplicati primer si lasati sa se usuce.
Step 2: Apply the stencil carefully in square shape.
Pasul 2: Aplicarem sablonul cu grija in forma square (patrat).
Step 3: Appling the base gel. Cure in UV lamp 2 minutes.
Pasul 3: Se aplica gelul de baza se usuca in lampa UV 2 minute.
Step 4: Remove carefully the stencil.
Step 5 : Appling cover gel natural. Cure in UV lamp 2 minutes.
Pasul 4 : Se indeparteaza cu grija sablonul.
Pasul 5 : Se aplica gelul cover natural si se usuca in lampa UV 2 minute.
Step 6: Apply white gel and gently create de Smile Line :) . Cure in UV lamp 2 minutes.
Pasul 6: Se aplica gel alb si se formeaza linia smile :) cu grija. Se usuca in lampa UV 2 minute.
Step 7: Apply glitter mix gel with holograms white and silver . Cure in UV lamp 2 minutes.
Pasul 7: Se aplica glitter mix gel Diamond Shine alb si sholograme argintii in gel cu grija. Se usuca in lampa UV 2 minute.
Step8: Applying construction gel . Cure in UV lamp 3 minutes.
Step 9: Wipe out the sticky layer. Shape the nail with a file with 100/180 grit and with a buffer.
Pasul 8: Se aplica gelul de constructie si il polimerizm in lampa UV 3 minute.
Pasul 9: Se degreseaza de stratul de dispersie cu clener gel, se da forma finala unghiei cu pila de 100/150 grit si se matuiesc unghiile cu un buffer.
Step 10: We start to paint a flower with watercolors. We use a purple color for the petals and yellow for the middle of the flower.
Pasul 10: Incepem pictura cu acuarela a unei flori. Folosim o culoare de mov pentru a creea petalele si galben pentru a realiza mijlocul florii.
Step 11: We paint the exterior details of the flower (or the outline) with black.
Pasul 11: Pictam detallile petalelor din exterior sau detaliile cu negru.
Step 12: We finish the rose, add some white details that will make the flower to pop-up and let the paint dry. Apply finish gel and polymerize in UV lamp 3 minutes.
Apply cuticle oil for hydration.
Pasul 12: Terminam de pictat floarea adaugand detalii cu vopsea alba ce ii vor da un efect "pop-up" si lasam vopseaua sa se usuce. Aplicam gel finish si polimerizam UV 3 minute.
Aplicam ulei de cuticule pentru hidratare.
Watercolor Nails - Unghii acuarela - Unghii pictate
mama mia daca reusesc sa fac asta sefa sunt:D