
sâmbătă, 5 noiembrie 2011

Glam Veil

Intretinere de extensii de unghii, prelungirea patului unghial cu cover gel, french permanent din glitter gel fibre, voal pictat in tehnica acuarelei si cristale Swarovski topaz.

Maintenance - nail bed prolongation with cover gel product, permanent french gel (fibers), free-painted veil in watercolor technique with Swarovski Crystal.

4 comentarii:

  1. omg da asta cum e facut?:O efectul ala de material..superb:X

  2. Este pictura in tehnica acuarelei. Astfel, fundalul voalului isi pasteaza o anumita transparenta, iar odata ce vi cu detaliile foarte fine, voalul capata dimensiune.

  3. This is so beautiful! Can you share your technique for the veil?

  4. Waouh ! This is so pretty =D I've never heard about "watercolor technique". Is it like painting on paper? Or do you use nail polish? Can you explain this technique? By th way, I love all your nail-arts. They are so perfects =D
