
marți, 26 octombrie 2010

Happy Halloween !

Gel nails Stiletto
Left hand  : Glitter gel purple and lila, miniholograms lila and hand-painted haunted house.
Right hand : Glitter gel purple and lila and turquoise hologrames with 3D elements of colored acryl.

Extensii Stiletto cu gel
Mana stanga : Glitter gel mov si lila, miniholograme lila si pictura : casa bantuita.
Mana dreapta : Glitter gel mov si lila, holograme turquoise si elemente 3D din acryl color.


Vampire teeth are inspired from :
Dintii de vampiroaica sunt inspirati de la :

Halloween Designs

Some of the designs that you can learn at the course of characters/fantasy painting. Designs painted with acrilic paint Policolor. 

Cateva dintre modelele pe care le puteti invata la cursul de pictura al personajelor/ Fantasy.Modele realizate cu vopsea acrilica Policolor.

Other designs :

Alte modele :

marți, 19 octombrie 2010

Charlie The Unicorn

My inspiration: Charlie The Unicorn.

Extensii Stiletto pictate manual.
Hand-painted Stiletto extensions.

Shiny Poppies

Extensii semi-stiletto cu gel, varf cristal cu pictura one-stroke - maci.

Semi-Stiletto extension,cristal tip with one-stroke painting - poppies.
Extensions Semi-Stiletto avec gel, pointe cristal et one-stroke peinture - coquelicots.

luni, 11 octombrie 2010

STEP-BY-STEP: Summer dream

Acest design este unul mai deosebit si incarcat deoarece l-am realizat pentru un concurs cu tema ‘’Summer dream’’. Din pacate, acest concurs nu a mai avut loc, din cauza numarului insuficient de participanti.Cu toate acestea, m-am totarat sa va prezint si un step-by-step al acestui model.
Sper sa va placa.

This design is more exquisit because I realized it for a nail competition with the theme : ‘’ Summer dream’’. Regrettable, this competition didn’t took place, because of the reduced number of participants. However, I decided to show you the step-by-step of this design .
Hope you enjoy it!

Pasul 1: Pregatiti unghia naturala : Dezinfectare – Degresare prin pilire – Inlaturati praful – Aplicati primer.
Step 1 : Prepare the natural nail : Dezinfect – File the natural nail – Clean the dust – Apply  primer.

Pasul 2 : Aplicati gelul de baza. Uscati-l in lampa UV. Degresati cu cleaner. Matuiti.
Step 2 : Apply base gel . Cure in UV lamp. Wipe with cleanser. File gently.

Pasul 3 : Pictati fundalul. Dupa fiecare strat, lasati-l sa se usuce.
Step 3 :  Paint the background. After each layer, take a moment for the paint to dry.

 Pasul 4 : Pictati elementele principale ale designului. In acest caz : casa.
Step 4 : Paint the main components of the design . In my case : the house.

Pasul 5 : Trecem la cealalta mana ; Fundalul il realizam din vopsea acrilica pe care o aplicam cu ajutorul unui buretel. Lasati vopseaua sa se usuce .
Pasul 6 : Modelati elementele din acryl (monomer + polimer ) precum : coralii, scoicile, stele de mare, etc. Aplicati scoici pisate pe langa acestea.

Step 5 : We take care of the other hand : we realise the background with acrylic paint applied with a sponge. Let the paint dry.
Step 6 : Create the elements with acryl (monomer + polimer ) like : the corals, the shells, the sea stars, etc. Apply little pieces of shells between the acryl elements.

Pasul 7 : Acum, ca vopseaua s-a uscat  (la ambele maini) aplicati gelul de constructie .
Uscati in lampa UV .  Stergeti cu cleanser si matuiti.
Step 7 : Now, when the paint dryed on both hands, apply the construction gel. Cure in UV lamp. 
Wipe with cleanser and file gently with a buffer.

Pasul 8 : Pictati si restul de elemente – in cazul nostru : animalute marine. 
Step 8 : Paint the rest of elements – in our case : the marine animals .

 Pasul 9 : Realizati detaliile la mana cu peisajul . Pictati detaliile casei, palmierii, barcuta, hamacul.
Step 9 : Realize the detalis on the other hand with the landscape . Paint the details of the house, the palmtrees, the boat, the hammock.

 Pasul 10 : La degetele mari creeati accente peste elementele in-lay din acryl si pictati si cateva alge.
Step  10 : For the thumbs, create accents over the in-lay elements and paint a few sea plants.

 Pasul 11 : Dupa uscare, aplicati finish gel. Uscati in lampa UV . Aplicati ulei de cuticule si eventual o crema hidratanta de maini.
Step 11 : After the paint dries, apply finish gel. Cure in UV lamp. Apply cuticule oil and eventually – a hand cream .

Rezultatul final / Final result:

joi, 7 octombrie 2010

STEP-BY-STEP: The Story of Flowers

Va voi prezenta un nou design : pictura in poveste(doua unghii formeaza o floare) cu vopsele acrilice pe baza de apa si tehnica fundalului ''nins''.
I will present you a new design : painting in-story (2 nails form a flower) with acrylic painting water-based and the technique of ''snowy'' background.

Pasul 1 : Pregatiti unghiile - aplicati gelul de baza si gelul de constructie. Matuiti cu un buffer.
Step 1: Prepare the nails - apply base gel and construction gel. File it with a buffer.

Pasul 2: Se ia un buretel si se inmoaie in vopseaua acrilica alba . Tamponati usor unghia si asteptati sa se usuce. Utilizati aceeasi tehnica pentru colorarea intregii unghii. La mijloc folositi un verde mai deschis si unul mai inchis spre varf. Veti observa cum unghia capata o anumita profunzime.

Step 2: Take a sponge and dip it into white acrylic paint. Pat gently on the nail and wait to dry. Use the same technique for the entire nail. For the middle, use a lighter green and for the tip of the nail use a dark green. Observe how the nail gets a certain depth.

Pasul 3 : Formati petalele florilor avand grija ca atunci cand uniti unghiile (unghia din stanga cu unghia din dreapta ) sa se creeze o floare.
Step 3 : Create the petals of the flowers. Take care when you close your left nail to the right nail to create a flower.

Pasul 4 : In interiorul petalelor trageti cateva dungulite cu vopsea acrilica roz, creati mijlocul de polen al florii si conturati petalele fin cu negru.
Step 4 : In the interior of the petals draw a few pink lines, create the middle of pollen and contour the petals with a fine line.

 Pasul 5: Conturati cu negru si in interiorul petalelor.
Step 5 : Contour with black in the middle of the petals.

Pasul 6: Realizati carcei si conturul unor mici frunzulite. Aplicati punctulete albe in jurul bobului de polen.
Step 6: Draw abstract leaves. Apply fine dots around the pollen cercle.

Pasul 7 : Umpleti frunzulitele cu vopsea verde si realizati cu dots tool puncte albe pe carcei.
Step 7 : Fill the leaves with green paint and do white dots with dots tool.

Asteptati cateva minute pentru a se usca vopseaua....

Aplicati finish gel si uscati in lampa UV. Hidratati cuticulele cu ulei.
Take some moments for the paint to dry.....
Apply finish gel and cure in UV lamp. Hidratate the cuticules with oil.


luni, 4 octombrie 2010

STEP-BY-STEP: Intretinere - Inlay Design - Aquarium

Asa aratau unghiile inainte de intretinere.
These is how the nails look like before the periodic maintanance.

Modelul pe care urmeaza sa il prezint este unul vechi, inainte sa fac cursul de perfectionare - Design cu Acryl Color 3D, asa ca florile de acryl nu sunt cele mai reusite.
The following design I will present it is kind of old, before I took my course of Design with Acrylic Powder 3D, so the acryl flowers are not the best ones.

 Pasul 1: Dezinfectam mainile si incepem sa pilim. Mare atentie sa nu atingeti cu freza unghia naturala - piliti-o doar cu pila de granulatie 180.
Pasul 2 : Aplicam primer.
Step 1: Desinfect the hands and start filing. Be carefur not to touch the natural nail with your polizor - file just with the normal file with granulation of 180.
Step 2 : Apply primer.

Pasul 3 : Aplicam gelul de baza - il uscam in lampa UV.
Pasul 4 : Aplicam cover gel - il uscam in lampa UV.
Step 3 : Apply base gel - cure in UV lamp.
Step 4 : Apply cover gel - cure in UV lamp.

Pasul 5 : Matuiti gelul cu un buffer / pila 180 sau 240.
Step 5 : File the gel with a buffer of a file 180 or 240.

Pasul 6 : Cu ajutorul unui buretel aplicam vopseaua acrilica prin tamponare.
Asteptam sa se usuce foarte bine.
Step 6 : Apply the acrilic paint with a sponge . Take a moment for the paint to dry.

Pasul 7 : Realizam florile 3D din acryl (monomer si polimer). Acestea trebuie sa fie subtiri si foarte joase. Realizam accente in mijlocul florilor cu vopsea acrilica, dupa care aplicam perlute si cristale.
Step 7 : We make the 3D acrilic flowers (from monomer and polimer). Those must be thin and very low.
In the middle of petals realize accents with acrilic paint. Apply pearls and cristals.

Pasul 8 : Aplicam gelul de constructie si il uscam in lampa UV.
  Step 8 : Apply construction gel - cure in UV lamp.

Pasul 9 : Matuiti gelul cu un buffer / pila 180 sau 240.
Step 9 : File the gel with a buffer of a file 180 or 240.

Pasul 10 : Pictam cu vopsea acrilica frunzulitele (cu pensula subtire nr.2) si aplicam punctele cu dots tool.Asteptam sa se usuce vopseaua.
Step 10 : Paint with acrilic colors the leaves (using a small brush no.2 ) and apply the dots with dots tool. Take a moment for the paint to dry.

Pasul 11 : Aplicam finish gel si uscam in lampa UV. Aplicati ulei de cuticule si masati usor.
 Step 11: Apply finish gel and cure in UV lamp. Apply cuticle oil and masage gently.

 Final result: