Am pregatit pentru voi un nou step-by step colorat, de vara, tocmai bun pentru niste unghiute vesele! Enjoy!
I prepared for you a new colored step-by-step for summer, that will make your nails sooo happy! Enjoy!
Pasul 1: Pregatiti unghia naturala : Dezinfectare – Degresare prin pilire – Inlaturati praful – Aplicati primer - Aplicati sablonul.
Step 1 : Prepare the natural nail : Disinfect – File the natural nail – Clean the dust – Apply primer - Apply the stencil .
Pasul 2 : Aplicati gelul de baza. Uscati-l in lampa UV.
Step 2 : Apply base gel . Cure in UV lamp.
Pasul 3 : Inlaturati sablonul - Aplicati un strat de gel color. Uscati-l in lampa UV. In acest caz am folosit gel cameleon bi-color ( galben -> oranj ) ce se schimba in functie de temperatura.
Step 3: Remove the sencil - Apply a layer of color gel. Cure in UV lamp. In my case I used a chameleon bi-colored gel ( yellow -> orange ) that changes in function of temperature.

Pasul 4 : Aplicati un al doilea strat de gel color. Uscati-l in lampa UV. In acest caz am folosit gel cameleon bi-color ( albastru -> cyan ) ce se schimba in functie de temperatura.
Step 4 : Apply a second layer of color gel. Cure in UV lamp. In my case I used a chameleon bi-colored gel ( blue -> cyan ) that changes in function of temperature.

Pasul 4 : Aplicati glitter gel si scoica sparta. Uscati in lampa UV. In acest caz am folosit gel glitter turquoise si scoica aurie si turquoise .
Step 4 : Apply glitter gel and crushed shell. Cure in UV lamp. In my case I used turquoise glitter gel and gold and turquoise crushed shell.

Pasul 5 : Aplicati un strat de glitter gel mix oranj ( glitter+miniholograme). Uscati-l in lampa UV.
Step 5 : Apply a layer of orange glitter gel mix ( glitter and mini-holograms). Cure in UV lamp.
Pasul 6 : Aplicati gelul de constructie. Uscati in lampa UV. Stergeti cu cleanser.
Step 6 : Apply the construction gel. Cure in UV lamp. Wipe with cleanser.
Pasul 7 : Piliti cu o pila de granulatie 100/100 pentru a da forma unghiilor iar la final matuiti cu un buffer.
Pasul 8 : Creati florile 3D din acryl. Aplicati perlute in mijlocul florii.
Pasul 9 : Pictati motivele abstracte cu vopsea acrilica.
Step 7: File (100/100 grain) to give final shape to the nails, and after file gently with a buffer.
Step 8 : Create the 3D acrylic flowers. Apply little pearls in the middle of the flower.
Step 9 : Paint the abstract motives with acrylic paint.
Pasul 10 : Dupa uscare, aplicati finish gel. Uscati in lampa UV. Aplicati ulei de cuticule.
Step 10 : After the paint dries, apply finish gel. Cure in UV lamp. Apply cuticle oil.
Sper ca va placut si ati gasit acest step-by-step ca fiind util! Daca doriti sa vedeti mai multe step-by-step-uri sau sa explic cum am realizat modele mai vechi, dati-mi de stire!
Hope you liked it and you found it useful !If you want to see more step-by step or how i realized an older design, let me know!
Maria D.